Thursday, August 28, 2008

Pizza Party!

On Saturday night we decided to honour our twelve OVC volunteers by hosting a surprise pizza party and movie night. We told everyone that there was going to be a project meeting at our house, so after choir practice we were going to drive all of them back to our place for the “meeting” then drive them all home. They entered into our house to find the furniture rearranged and a projector that we borrowed from the hospital projecting up on our wall. The kitchen was a flurry of activity as the four of us aimers had been working all day to produce homemade pizza (definitely what they call white peoples food)! The dinner was well received and we made fresh popcorn, cookies, fudge and cinnamon rolls - so desert was also a hit.

We showed them the first of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Fellowship of the Ring. All but one had seen a movie before but most could count on one hand the number of times. At the beginning of the movie we were concerned that they weren’t going to understand it as they were all busy chatting amongst themselves and not paying attention, but sure enough as the tension started to build they were sucked in! It was so much fun to hear them shout with excitement and in agreement during the action scenes and grow to love Frodo.

The next day at church they were all talking about the movie and were anxious to see the second part. They were all intrigued by the fact that the Orcs took the wrong Halflings, and what would be the result of evil King Sauruman. It was a great night and we were happy to bless them in a fun and unexpected way.

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